servicing & repairs
Does your garage door need servicing or repair?
You can now arrange servicing and repairs online with an external service partner through .
Simply click on the ‘Request a Service’ image to the left and follow the links. Complete the online form and a garage door customer service representative will be in touch.
Help Videos
Is there something wrong with your door? Our motors are user-friendly and you can usually troubleshoot/ update your motor without the need for a technician.
We have created a series of videos that step you through the processes of how to:
Dual-code a remote
Delete handsets
Inch your door up and down
Reprogram your remote
Set your open and closed positions
We have a range of garage door accessories to suit your needs. Whether it’s an extra remote for your teenager, a code panel so the cleaner can let themselves in or safety beams to protect little ones, we have it covered.